Nobel Prize 2021 Winner List# Medicine, physics, chemistry, literature, peace, economics science.

Winner of the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, physics, chemistry, literature, peace, economics science.

Nobel Prize 2021 Winner List

Nobel Prize 2021 list
David Julius  Ardem Patapoutian. 

1: Physiology or Medicine. 2021 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was jointly awarded to David Julius and Ardame Patapoutian for their discoveries of receptors for temperature and touch.

The unprecedented discoveries of this year's Nobel Prize winners have allowed us to understand how heat, cold and mechanical forces can initiate nerve impulses that allow us to perceive and adapt to the world around us.

Nobel Prize 2021 Winner List

2: Physics : Nobel Prize in Physics for 2021 has been jointly awarded to Tsukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann and Giorgio Parisi. One half was awarded to Tsukuro Manabe and Klaus Hasselmann for physical modeling, quantifying variability in Earth's climate, and reliably predicting global warming, while the other half was awarded to disorder and fluctuations from nuclear to physical systems. Giorgio Paris for discovering the interaction of

Nobel Prize 2021 Winner, Nobel Prize 2021
Benjamin. David. 

3: ChemistryNobel Prize in Chemistry 2021 was jointly awarded to Benjamin List and David W.C. Macmillan for the development of asymmetric organocatalysis.

Nobel Prize 2021, Nobel Prize 2021
Abdulrazak Gurnah

4: literature :Nobel Prize for Literature 2021 has been awarded to novelist Abdulrajak Gurnah for his uncompromising and compassionate penetrating the effects of colonialism and the fate of a refugee in the gap between cultures and continents.

Nobel Prize 2021, Nobel Prize 2021
Maria. Dmitry. 

5: peace :2021 Nobel Prize for Peace was jointly awarded to Maria Resa and Dmitry Muratov for their efforts to protect freedom of expression, which is a precondition for democracy and lasting peace. All are representatives of journalists who stand up for this ideal in a world where democracy and freedom of the press constantly face adversity.

Nobel Prize 2021, Nobel Prize 2021,
David. Joshua. Guido. 

6: Economics science2021 Nobel Prize in Economics has been jointly awarded to David Card, Joshua D. Angrist and Guido W. Imbens. One half was awarded to David Card for his empirical contributions to labor economics, while the other half was awarded to Joshua D. Angrist and Guido W. Imbens has been given for his methodological contributions to the analysis of causal relationships.

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