Tokyo Olympic 2020 game & cancelled corona vires & Tokyo Olympic 2020!

 Tokyo Olympic 2020 game: cancelled covid 19 corona vires games ,

After ordinary citizens due to the corona virus epidemic, now Japan's doctors have also started opposing the Tokyo Olympics games starting on July 23, Tokyo Medical

 Proclamationers Association on Tuesday wrote a letter to Prime Minister Yoshihide Sugo in the Olympics. It has urged the cancellation of the Games

Tokyo Olympic 2021 game: cancelled corona vires games ,
Tokyo Olympic 2020

The organizers convince the IOC officials.

The Tokyo Medical Practitioners' Association wrote this letter on 14 May, which they wrote in this letter, we strongly request. 

That the officials of Tokyo Olympic Games 2020 convince the International Olympic Committee that it is difficult to organize the Olympics. And it would be a sensible decision to cancel the games.

Difficult to provide athletes with medical care.

Tokyo Olympic 2021 game: cancelled corona vires games ,
Tokyo Olympic 2020

Japan's health expert believes that Corona is not looking to improve the situation right now. In such a situation, if the Olympics are held from July 23, hundreds of athletes and sports officials from all over the world will reach Tokyo. 

In this situation, there will be further pressure on the health experts of Japan as they have to provide health facilities for the safety of athletes, which is not possible now. In such a situation, it is better not to organize Olympic games.

Tokyo Olympic 2021 & game: cancelled corona vires games ,
Tokyo Olympic 2020

Workload at Tokyo Institute

The association said, the corona virus is under the burden of work on the medical institution. In such a situation, the Olympic Games cannot be organized.

Due to the ever increasing cases of corona, the burden of working on doctor is high due to corona virus in Japan.

There is a shortage of medical staff and beds in hospitals in many states of Japan, it is difficult for patients to get treatment if the corona virus worsens in the coming times.

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